# Presets for Surge XT ## Volume I Contains 15 sounds, focused on rhythmic sounds and pads. This collection of presets is free and licensed under the CC0 license. [Download](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tkbnajrsfmggujmvtglpd/Phasor-Space-Presets-for-Surge-XT-Volume-1.zip?rlkey=gmlp8ppkegkrfkq77w5zihq6z&dl=0) ![Phasor Space Presets for VCV Rack, Volume I](https://youtu.be/treajb5i0MI) ## Instructions Download one of the above preset packs. Unzip it. Then, to install, open Surge XT, click on the name of the current preset, and click "Open User Patches Folder". Drop the "Phasor Space Presets for Surge XT Volume 1" folder in the folder Surge opened. Finally, click on the name of the current preset again, then click "Refresh Patch Browser". The patches should show up in the patch list.